Meet Our Current PSWCD Commissioners!
Kirby Player - Chairman
Congratulations Kirby Player!
Pickens Soil & Water Conservation District along with South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (SC DNR) and the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) welcomes Kirby Player as the newly elected Commissioner to the Pickens Soil & Water Conservation District Board! Kirby's Oath of Office was held on Monday, December 14, 2020. This was an important day for all!
Roddey Gettys, III - Commissioner
Chuck Owens - Vice-Chairman
Pickens Soil & Water Conservation District along with the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (SC DNR) and the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) welcomes our new Commissioner, Chuck Owens! Oath of Office for Chuck Owens was held on Thursday, November 11, 2021, conducted by Leslie M.
Amy Wilson - Commissioner
Clayton Kerr - Treasurer
PSWCD Associate Commissioners
George Hood
Leslie Morgan
Tom Smith
Alix Danker
Associate Commissioners Needed for the Pickens Soil & Water Conservation District
Want to be an Associate Commissioner? Associate Commissioners, are officially appointed by the board as advisors and representatives. Associates do not vote on board decisions but augment the board’s knowledge and experience and assist with conservation district programs. Attend the Pickens Soil and Water Conservation District’s monthly board meetings each month at the Pickens Soil and Water Conservation District office located at 144 McDaniel Avenue, Pickens, SC 29671.
Watershed District Directors are non-salaried officials who are elected to four-year terms. Candidates must be registered voters in the county & and watershed in which they are seeking office. Candidates are required to file a Statement of Economic Interests and a Campaign Disclosure online with the State Ethics Commission